The title of this post is comprised of just two very apt words from an article published last August by Sir Roger Scruton, called “The Art of Taking Offence.” And I am very grateful for them.
It was the physicist…
Here is a piece from American Thinker that will startle anyone who remembers what “free speech” used to mean.
The best rendering of the underlying principle was articulated in her book Life of Voltaire, by Evelyn Hall (d.1956). This was…
I am part of a freethinker group that debates all sorts of topics by email. Recently, I got into it, as they say, with R and H, who both (thus far) support a woman’s “right” to abortion and they ground…
Here is a rather funny take on the Christmas story composed by my colleague, Professor Harley Price.
Harley teaches classes in the School of Continuing Education at the University of Toronto in all sorts of wonderful subjects from classic Greek…
This is a letter of flagrant self-promotion to say that my latest book, Disruptive Essays, has just been released, and is available on websites such as Amazon and Chapters. You can see it on the Home page of this website,…
A few weeks go I was approached by an Editor working for a newspaper based in New York city called The Epoch Times, who said he had been following my work, and asked me to write Op-Ed columns for his…
I have just read about how Terri-Lynne McClintic, the murderer and accomplice to the rape – the rape! – of eight-year old Tori Stafford – has been transferred to a low-security “healing lodge” where, it is assumed by Correctional Services…
Below are the last words of a little-known, 115-page book I published with Stoddart in 1994, entitled Constitutional Crack-Up, when Quebec was agitating for separation, yet again, and Canada’s Federal Government was wallowing in the confusions and contradictions over what…
Well, I found this original 1990 CBC Radio Interview on an old-style tape, and had it transferred so I could upload it to YouTube.
Here it is:
The backstory, as they say, is that I had been pestering his…